Scientific consulting to customers in the field of quantum chemistry is our core competence. On the one hand, we help our customers to solve difficult problems in understanding quantum-mechanical simulations by analyzing the wave function and thus help the customer to develop better products. We get the “chemistry” out of your numbers.
On the other hand, we advise our customers on modeling and simulating urgent molecular or material-based problems in order to achieve reliable results more quickly than in experiments. If desired, we train our customers in the quantum-mechanical calculation and quantum-chemical analysis of any chemical system at any scale.
With ORBITAL (fall 2025) we offer the world’s most powerful computer program for the quantum chemical analysis of periodic systems, which relates to the academic-purpose program LOBSTER (, but is considerably faster, more powerful and, above all, easier to use. We guarantee a professional industry standard and absolutely reliable results.
Our customers include, for example, companies in the IT industry that are leaders in the development of innovative electronic components, and also people from the universities.